Friday, February 8, 2013

Calculation of Capital Gains Tax on Foreign stocks

In I exlpored the taxation for RSUs and other stock benefits given by employees. For Indian stocks most of the calculattions are simple. but many of us work for MNCs where stocks are valued on foreign currency and traded in foreign exchanges. The tax treatment of these gains will be like those shares for which STT is not paid. But the value of transactions calculation is not straight forward.

The calculation of gain needs to be computed in the foreign currency before convering to INR. The gains thus computed needs to be converted to INR based on the exchange rate published by SBI/RBI on the last day of the preceding month of the sale transaction. For e.g., if the purchase price of stock is $10000 and sale price is $12000, the capital gain is $2000 and say the sahres were sold in January 2013.. This $2000 needs to be converted to INR based on the exchange rate published for last day of December 2012. Note that this may result in different income from the actual income. Following table captures the situation where the actual income is different from the taxable income due to currency fluctuations.

No of SharesSell DateCost per
share in USD
Sell DateCost per
share in USD
Exchange Rate on Last day of preceding monthExchange
gain type

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